January 7-18, 2002

New States of Matter in Hadronic Interactions

to be held at

Hotel Leão da Montanha, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil
(184 km NEE of São Paulo, 354 km SWW of Rio de Janeiro,
see map (400+kb, JPG))

International Board of Advisors and Lecturers

G. Altarelli  (CERN), G.A. Baym  (Illinois), J.D. Bjorken (SLAC),
J.-P. Blaizot  (Saclay), S.J. Brodsky (SLAC), W. Busza (MIT),
L.P. Csernai (Bergen), H.G. Dosch (Heidelberg), H.-Th.Elze (Rio de Janeiro),
E.Ferreira (RiodeJaneiro),   A.DiGiacomo (Pisa), H.H. Gutbrod (GSI),
J.W. Harris  (Yale), K. Kajantie (Helsinki), J.I. Kapusta (Minnesota),
F. Karsch (Bielefeld), D. Kharzeev (BNL), T. Kodama (Rio de Janeiro),
L.Masperi (CLAF),  L.D. McLerran (BNL),  B. Mueller (Duke),
S. Nagamiya (KEK), G.Odyniec (LBL),  J. Rafelski (Arizona),
E. Quercigh (CERN), H. Stoecker (Frankfurt), U. van Kolck (Arizona),
K. Werner (Nantes),  R.L. Thews (Arizona), G.R.Young (ORNL),
W.A.Zajc (Columbia)

Organizing Committee

J. de Sa Borges (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro), S. Duarte (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro),
A.G.Grunfeld(CLAF), Y.Hama (USP,Sao Paulo),
G. Herrera (IPN,MexicoC.),  G. Krein (IFT, Sao Paulo), M. Malheiro (UFF,Niteroi),
M. Nielsen (USP,Sao Paulo),  G. Odyniec(LBL), I. Schmidt (UTFSM,Valparaiso),
N. Scoccola (CNEA, BuenosAires), A.Szanto deToledo (USP,Sao Paulo),
U. van Kolck (Arizona), C. Vasconcellos (UFRGS, Porto Alegre)

Board of Directors

Johann Rafelski and Robert L. Thews
Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721


H.-Thomas Elze, Erasmo Ferreira and Takeshi Kodama
Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy



This Pan-American Advanced Institute course will involve approximately 40 graduate students from the Americas funded by US-program in a two-week presentation of introductory material and current research results in this rapidly developing field. Further students are expected to attend funded by local and/or their research programs.

The scientific program will include approximately 10 primary lecturers who present the basic material with additional researchers giving seminars on specialized research results.

The interaction among students and researchers should help in laying the groundwork for future collaborations: all students and lecturers will be housed in a unique conference venue and all activities of the school will be jointly undertaken. Lecturers are strongly encouraged to spend the entire period of the course on site.

Courses will span the field from the very elementary and introductory material through the latest theoretical and experimental research results obtained at RHIC and CERN/SPS.

Preliminary detailed scientific program (76kb postscript pages)

PRACTICAL INFORMATION --- watch for updates:
Last modified December 5, 2001 JR
The arrival crcular is avaiable.

We are expecting all participants on Monday morning, January 7 2002 at the international airport in Sao Paulo, and will offer bus transportation to the location of the institute.

In the late afternoon of January 7 we plan a self-introduction -2 minute- session. Every participant is invited to present a transparency with personal details, research involvement etc. This will be interrupted by reception and followed by dinner. Formal courses begin in the morning January 8.

We expect that Sunday January 13 will not have a scientific program and we hope to be able to offer an excursion.

The meeting will close after lunch on Friday, January 18. In the afternoon we will provide bus transportation to the airports in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Fax:  ++1 (520)621 4721

PASI Conference Coordinator
Department of Physics
University of Arizona